Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Binary Plans Don’t Have To Flush Your Progress Each Week

Quest Travel Network has put together an incredible compensation plan that actually pays you 10 different ways. That pretty much guarantees payment into your account as long as you put in a little effort. One of the ways you gain compensation is from the binary you create by building your team. Here’s how the binary part of the QTN compensation plan works.

Simply put, a binary is part of an MLM compensation plan that allows for 2 distributors to be placed below you making two “legs”. Then when you add team members to your downline, you simply place them under the two legs of your binary. Some binaries, depending on the system allows you to place your members and some automatically places them for you. This is called “spillover” and it helps you make money. Your goal is to keep the 2 legs equal and active.

Quest Travel Network has created the Dual Team Bonus to add to your ability to get paid. It is what we feel is the perfect binary system. Our type of dual team bonus compensation plan allows you to keep building your team at your speed with no penalties, or “flushing” as they say in the industry. The faster you build your team and add to your binary, the faster you make money - obviously. But the creators of QTN have worked very hard to make our compensation plan equitable for all levels of network marketers.

Our version of the binary pay plan, the Dual Team Bonus, takes the best of both binary worlds. In a binary compensation package, a cycle is normally an actual 7 day cycle. You work towards a production goal depending on your product and the parameters set up by your company’s compensation model. It’s simple, if you make the set goal, you receive a bonus. If you don’t make it that week, you loose your progress and have to start all over the next week. In MLM terms, your progress has been “flushed”. It’s gone. This has been an extremely frustrating process for so many MLMer’s over the years. Quest Travel Network has decided not to include flushing as part of our Dual Team Bonus plan. Unlike some binary compensation plans, we do NOT “flush” any progress you make with your dual team bonus. We feel that you work very hard for your progress and you should simply keep working until you complete a cycle. The goal is to cycle as quickly as you can while never loosing progress. Once you reach a cycle, you get your Dual Team Bonus with the Quest Travel Network plan.

Other systems usually require you to keep the two legs of your team equal. Common binary systems requires both sides to be fairly equal . They reward what is called a 50-50 binary, based on equal activity. Our Dual Team Bonus is set as a 1/3, 2/3 cycling rule so that if your weak leg is only 1/3 of your activity, then you don’t loose your cycle bonus. This is again a major improvement in your ability to get a bonus.

Some binary compensation plans pay you only if you have equal active legs AND you complete the cycle within the set time limit. Quest Travel Network’s Dual Team Bonus plan pays you regardless of the “time frame” and binary activity equality. It’s just one more way that sets the compensation plan apart from the rest of the MLM world.

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